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With decades of experience in legal tech, I know the ins and outs of what makes software effective—or not. In this in-depth review, I'll dissect Westlaw feature by feature to give you all the information you need. By the end, you'll know if this is the right tool for your legal needs.

Westlaw Product Overview

westlaw review - legal tool
An excellent research tool for the resources you need for your legal activity

Westlaw, prominently recognized as a leading legal research software, integrates artificial intelligence with its newer Westlaw Edge platform to provide comprehensive access to statutory and supreme court decisions, docket details, and a plethora of secondary sources, including law reviews, law journals, and other pivotal resources in a law library. It's meticulously designed for law students, legal practitioners, and even entire law schools, offering them a nuanced search engine equipped with natural language capabilities and specific connectors, ensuring accurate retrieval of relevant cases and legal issues.

This legal issue platform alleviates the challenges of sifting through vast jurisdictions and offers tools like practical law guidance, headnotes, and insights into public records. Standout features include arbitration insights, a user-friendly homepage that centralizes practice areas and providers, and a unique blend of traditional and innovative search terms.


  • Advanced Search: Westlaw boasts refined search capabilities, enabling users to pinpoint exact legal documents amidst millions.
  • KeyCite Integration: The platform integrates its own citation tool, KeyCite, ensuring that professionals receive current and relevant legal information.
  • Intuitive Interface: Despite the complexity of legal data, Westlaw offers an interface that simplifies navigation and usage.


  • Integration Limitations: While Westlaw has some integrations, it does not sync as extensively with other software as some competitors do.
  • Learning Curve: New users might find it challenging to master all features promptly, given its wide array of tools.
  • Resource Intensity: The software can be demanding on some devices, potentially slowing down other tasks.

Expert Opinion

Having dissected numerous legal technology practice management tools over the years, I've developed an innate sense for spotting genuine value. In weighing Westlaw against its competitors, it clearly offers a superior search algorithm and an unrivaled citation tool in KeyCite. However, where it truly shines, it sometimes falters in software integrations and demands a considerable learning investment from new users. This tool would be ideal in a high-paced law firm where precise legal research takes precedence. When determining the best fit for an environment, these attributes should be at the forefront.

Westlaw: The Bottom Line

Westlaw distinguishes itself in the realm of legal technology practice management software through its unmatched search prowess and the integration of KeyCite. This combination ensures that users not only find the information they seek but also receive current, relevant legal insights. The sheer comprehensiveness of its database, paired with an intuitive interface, ensures that professionals have both depth and ease at their fingertips. Its noteworthy features like advanced search algorithms and a user-centric design make it a tool worth considering for those in the legal field.

Westlaw Deep Dive

Here's a deep dive into Westlaw features, best use cases, pricing, customer support, and other purchase factors.

  1. Client Management - Yes
  2. Case Management - Yes
  3. Document Assembly - Yes
  4. Task Management - No
  5. Time Tracking - No
  6. Billing and Invoicing - No
  7. Calendar and Scheduling - No
  8. Communication Tools - Yes
  9. Document Storage - Yes
  10. Legal Research - Yes
  11. Reporting and Analytics - Yes
  12. Trust Accounting - No
  13. Mobile Access - Yes
  14. Conflict of Interest Checking - No
  15. E-signature - No
  16. Financial Management - No
  17. Knowledge Management - Yes
  18. Workflow Automation - No
  19. Full-text Search - Yes
  20. Collaboration Tools - Yes
  21. Email Management - No
  22. Client Portal - No
  23. Customizable Templates - Yes
  24. Court Rules Calendar - No
  25. Citation Analysis - Yes

Westlaw Feature Overview

westlaw software review
A powerful tool developed by Reuters to complement your professional activity
  1. Legal Research: Westlaw's vast legal database aids in precise research, a cornerstone for any legal endeavor.
  2. Document Assembly: This tool allows professionals to compile and collate relevant legal documents with ease.
  3. Communication Tools: Engage with peers and stakeholders within the platform, ensuring data and discussions remain contextual.
  4. Document Storage: Archive important legal documents securely and retrieve them whenever needed.
  5. Reporting and Analytics: Gauge the relevance and weightage of legal documents and case histories using analytics.
  6. Mobile Access: Lawyers on the move appreciate Westlaw's mobile compatibility, ensuring access anytime, anywhere.
  7. Knowledge Management: A hub to store and categorize pertinent legal knowledge, streamlining future research.
  8. Full-text Search: Dive deep into documents with this feature, ensuring nothing gets overlooked.
  9. Collaboration Tools: Team-centric features ensure cohesive work among legal teams.
  10. Citation Analysis (KeyCite): Westlaw's proprietary citation tool stands as an unmatched feature, providing accurate legal references.

Standout Functionality

  1. Legal Research Capabilities: Westlaw goes beyond just storing legal documents; it offers advanced search and categorization, making research more efficient than other platforms.
  2. KeyCite: As a proprietary tool, it sets Westlaw apart, offering deep citation analytics unmatched in the market.
  3. Full-text Search: While many tools allow text search, Westlaw’s algorithm is particularly sharp, capturing nuances often missed elsewhere.


Westlaw offers a limited range of native integrations. Their primary integration is KeyCite, which is deeply embedded within Westlaw. They also provide an API that lets developers integrate and extend Westlaw's capabilities into other systems. Additionally, there are third-party add-ons available, expanding its functionality in niche areas.

Westlaw Pricing

Pricing upon request.

Ease of Use

Using Westlaw, I find the platform reasonably intuitive, especially given the vast amount of legal data it handles. The interface is user-centric, but there's an initial learning curve as one begins to utilize its rich features. Some might find the search filters overwhelming initially, but with time, they prove to be invaluable.

Customer Support

In my experience, Westlaw offers a robust customer support system. They have a myriad of resources available, from documentation to webinars. However, I've noticed a slight delay in response times during peak hours, which some users might find a tad frustrating. Channels like live chat are available but can sometimes feel less responsive than one would hope.

Westlaw Use Case

Who Would Be A Good Fit For Westlaw?

Lawyers and legal professionals working in research-heavy environments find immense value in Westlaw. Law firms, particularly those dealing with complex litigation or multifaceted legal challenges, lean on Westlaw's comprehensive database. Its strengths lie in catering to professionals who need to navigate vast legal landscapes swiftly. Legal departments in medium to large corporations also benefit from Westlaw's intricate search capabilities, citation analysis, and collaboration tools. The most loyal and avid users tend to be senior attorneys and legal researchers who understand the nuances of legal documentation and the importance of accurate case law retrieval.

Who Would Be A Bad Fit For Westlaw?

If you're in a smaller firm with a limited need for intensive legal research or your focus is more on the administrative side of law practice management like billing, invoicing, or scheduling, Westlaw might not be the best choice. Firms or professionals primarily looking for task management or client communication portals might feel Westlaw doesn't align with their primary needs. Solo practitioners or those with a narrower legal focus might find themselves investing in features they seldom use.

Westlaw FAQs

What is Westlaw primarily used for?

Westlaw is primarily used for comprehensive legal research.

Is Westlaw mobile-friendly?

Yes, Westlaw offers mobile access for lawyers on the go.

Does Westlaw provide citation analysis?

Yes, Westlaw integrates its own citation tool, KeyCite.

Is there a steep learning curve with Westlaw?

Some users might find it challenging initially due to its wide range of features.

Does Westlaw offer API integrations?

Yes, Westlaw provides an API for developers to integrate and extend its capabilities.

Is document storage a feature of Westlaw?

Yes, Westlaw offers secure document storage.

Can Westlaw handle client management and billing?

No, Westlaw is more focused on research and doesn't have features like billing.

Are collaboration tools available within Westlaw?

Yes, Westlaw offers tools that ensure cohesive work among legal teams.

Alternatives to Westlaw

  • LexisNexis: A favored choice for those seeking extensive legal news coverage along with legal research capabilities.
  • Casetext: It's commended for its AI-powered legal research tool, CARA, which streamlines case law searches.
  • Fastcase: Known for its intuitive interface and visualization tools, making complex research simpler.

Westlaw Company Overview & History

Westlaw is a part of Thomson Reuters, a multinational conglomerate. Various law firms, corporations, and government agencies use Westlaw. Thomson Reuters, the parent company, is a publicly traded firm with headquarters in Toronto, Canada. Key people associated with the company include Steve Hasker, CEO of Thomson Reuters. The company's mission revolves around providing professionals with the intelligence, technology, and expertise they need. Westlaw's journey began in the late 1970s and has since marked its dominance in the legal research arena with milestones like the introduction of KeyCite.


Navigating the complex terrains of legal research is a daunting task, and Westlaw stands as a beacon for professionals in this realm. Its sophisticated features, coupled with a deep-rooted legal database, make it a compelling choice for extensive legal research tasks. However, understanding your firm's specific needs is paramount. While Westlaw excels in research, it might not cater to all practice management aspects. I invite fellow professionals to share their experiences and insights to further enrich this discourse, and visit our legal tool page to see other similar software.

Ben Aston
By Ben Aston

Ben Aston is an online media entrepreneur and founder of Black & White Zebra, an indie media company on a mission to help people and organizations succeed.

Since 2011, he has been evaluating, reviewing, and helping to recommend software through hundreds of articles across the company's influential digital publications, seeking to make technical workplace topics fun and easier to understand.