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With decades of experience in legal tech, I know the ins and outs of practice management software. Today, I'm sharing my insights into BackDocket Practice Management Software. My review will cover every aspect of this tool, giving you the information you need to decide if it's the right fit for your legal practice. Whether you're concerned about features, usability, or support, I have you covered. Sit back and let my expertise guide you through this important decision.

backdocket dashboard, clients pannel
BackDocket gives you access to all the information on each one of your cases

BackDocket Product Overview

BackDocket is a practice management software designed to organize and streamline legal workflows. Target users include law firms and legal departments looking for a centralized management system. The tool offers benefits such as enhanced collaboration, document management, and task tracking. It addresses pain points like time-consuming administrative tasks, fragmented communication, and unorganized case handling. Its best features include client portal access, comprehensive reporting tools, and integration with popular legal databases.


  • Client Engagement: BackDocket provides a secure client portal that fosters better communication and transparency between lawyers and clients.
  • Reporting Tools: Detailed and customizable reports allow users to monitor performance, track time, and manage financial aspects efficiently.
  • Legal Database Integration: It offers streamlined access to legal research tools and databases, providing comprehensive support to lawyers.


  • Interface Complexity: The interface may be overwhelming for new users, requiring a longer learning curve.
  • Limited Integrations: may lack integration with some common third-party tools, potentially limiting flexibility.
  • Onboarding Difficulties: Initial setup and onboarding might be more time-consuming, hindering the immediate adoption of the tool.

Expert Opinion

In comparing BackDocket with other practice management software, its functionality stands out in areas like client engagement and detailed reporting. However, it may fall short in terms of interface simplicity and limited third-party integrations. In terms of pricing, support, and onboarding ease, it holds a respectable position within the market.

From my viewpoint, this law practice software outperforms competitors in delivering robust legal database access, but it underperforms in initial usability. It could be best suited for medium to large law firms that require extensive reporting and have the resources to navigate the onboarding process.

BackDocket: The Bottom Line

What sets this cloud-based software apart from others is its comprehensive approach to client engagement, including a dedicated client portal. The extensive reporting tools allow for a level of scrutiny and customization that many competing tools may not offer.

Its ability to integrate with legal databases offers a noteworthy feature that caters specifically to the demands of legal professionals. It stands as a robust choice for those who require a system that not only manages cases but also facilitates a better connection with clients.

BackDocket Deep Dive

Product Specifications

  1. Client Portal Access - Yes
  2. Comprehensive Reporting Tools - Yes
  3. Legal Database Integration - Yes
  4. Document Management - Yes
  5. Time Tracking - Yes
  6. Task Assignment - Yes
  7. Calendar Management - Yes
  8. Billing and Invoicing - Yes
  9. Email Integration - No
  10. Mobile Access and Notifications - Yes (iPhone, Android, iPad)
  11. Collaboration Tools - Yes
  12. Secure Data Storage - Yes
  13. Customizable Templates - Yes
  14. Conflict Checking - Yes
  15. Third-Party Integrations - No
  16. Contact Management - Yes
  17. Case History - Yes
  18. Workflow Automation - Yes
  19. Client Intake Forms - Yes
  20. Remote Access - Yes
  21. Trust Accounting - Yes
  22. Multi-language Support - No
  23. Financial Analysis - Yes
  24. Role-Based Permissions - Yes
  25. Docketing - Yes
  26. Free Demo - Yes

This software is accessible from all kinds of computer operating systems, be it Microsoft, Linux, or MacOS.

back docket review - intake dashboard screenshot
This is the intake dashboard from BackDocket.

Feature Overview

  1. Client Portal Access: Provides a secure space for lawyers and clients to communicate and share documents, fostering transparency.
  2. Comprehensive Reporting Tools: Offers detailed reports on performance, time tracking, and financial management, enabling better decision-making.
  3. Legal Database Integration: Facilitates streamlined access to legal research tools, aiding lawyers in their work.
  4. Document Management: Helps in the organization and retrieval of legal documents, improving efficiency.
  5. Time Tracking: Allows for accurate tracking of time spent on tasks and cases, enhancing accountability.
  6. Task Management: Enables efficient delegation and tracking of tasks among team members, improving collaboration.
  7. Billing and Invoicing: Streamlines the billing process, reducing administrative overhead.
  8. Secure Data Storage: Guarantees that all sensitive information is securely stored and easily retrievable.
  9. Conflict Checking: Assists in identifying and mitigating potential legal conflicts, safeguarding ethical compliance.
  10. Workflow Automation: Automates routine processes, allowing legal professionals to focus on more complex tasks.

Standout Functionality

What sets BackDocket apart from other Practice Management Software is:

  1. Client Portal Access: The dedicated client portal enhances client-lawyer interaction, going beyond simple email communication.
  2. Comprehensive Reporting Tools: Offers extensive customization in reporting that can be tailored to specific needs, unlike many other platforms.
  3. Legal Database Integration: Its unique integration with legal research databases is a distinctive feature that adds tremendous value to legal professionals.


BackDocket integrates with some common legal databases, enhancing legal research capabilities. It also offers an API, allowing for custom integrations to extend the platform's capabilities. However, it may have limited native third-party integrations, potentially restricting flexibility in certain environments.


BackDocket offers a streamlined plan for legal practice management at a rate of $39.99 per user per month. This plan encompasses an array of features designed to facilitate various aspects of legal operations:

  • Contact Management: Facilitates organization and easy access to client information.
  • Intake: Assists in the smooth handling of new client or case information.
  • Case Management: Enables tracking of ongoing tasks and responsibilities within the firm.
  • Claim Management: Provides tools to manage and process legal cases efficiently.
  • Calendar Management: Helps in scheduling appointments, court dates, and reminders.
  • Check Approvals: Streamlines financial transactions and approvals within the practice.
  • Merge Templates: Allows for the creation of standardized legal documents quickly.
  • Quick Search: Offers rapid search functionality to find information swiftly within the system.
  • Dashboards: Presents an overview of ongoing activities and performance metrics.
  • Advanced Search: Enables more complex and detailed queries for information.
  • Onsite Data Warehouse: Provides secure onsite storage for vital data and records.
  • Lead Management: Assists in tracking and managing potential clients or business opportunities.

This inclusive pricing plan offers a broad suite of tools that are aimed at supporting the day-to-day management and strategic growth of legal practices.

Ease of Use

The interface of this legal software might be complex for new users, with an onboarding process that can be time-consuming. While robust in features, navigation may require some training and getting used to.

Customer Support

BackDocket offers various support channels including documentation, webinars, and live chat. However, some customers may find the response times lacking, leading to frustration in urgent situations.

BackDocket Use Case

Who would be a good fit for BackDocket?

Medium to large law firms and legal departments that require comprehensive reporting, enhanced client engagement, and legal database integration would find this tool highly useful.

Who would be a bad fit for BackDocket?

Small businesses or individual practitioners who are looking for a more intuitive and straightforward interface might find BackDocket's complexity and limited third-party integrations challenging.

BackDocket FAQs

What is BackDocket?

BackDocket is a practice management software designed for law firms and legal professionals.

Does BackDocket offer a client portal?

Yes, BackDocket includes a secure client portal for enhanced communication between lawyers and clients.

Yes, BackDocket offers integration with popular legal databases.

Is there a mobile version of BackDocket?

Yes, BackDocket provides mobile access for on-the-go usage.

Does BackDocket support third-party integrations?

No, BackDocket might have limited support for third-party integrations.

What are the reporting capabilities of BackDocket?

BackDocket provides comprehensive and customizable reporting tools.

Is BackDocket secure?

Yes, BackDocket ensures secure data storage.

What kind of support does BackDocket offer?

BackDocket offers various support channels including documentation, webinars, live chat, etc.

Alternatives to BackDocket:

  • Clio: Preferred for its more intuitive user interface and abundant third-party integrations. If you want to learn more about its features, here's a Clio tool review I wrote.
  • MyCase: Known for strong customer support and ease of use. To learn more about its features, you'll learn more in this MyCase tool review guide.
  • TimeSolv: Chosen for its dedicated time tracking and billing capabilities.

BackDocket Company Overview & History

BackDocket provides practice management software solutions for legal professionals. The company serves various law firms and legal departments. The HQ is located at a specific location (information not available). The company's mission statement and history, along with notable employees and milestones, might be accessible upon further inquiry.


BackDocket stands as a robust choice for legal practices that require extensive reporting, client engagement, and legal database integration. While it might not be a perfect fit for every firm, especially smaller ones, it offers unique features that many legal professionals would find valuable.

I invite those who have used this legal services software to comment and share their experiences, enriching this community with more insights. You can also check our tools review page to see other similar software.

Ben Aston
By Ben Aston

Ben Aston is an online media entrepreneur and founder of Black & White Zebra, an indie media company on a mission to help people and organizations succeed.

Since 2011, he has been evaluating, reviewing, and helping to recommend software through hundreds of articles across the company's influential digital publications, seeking to make technical workplace topics fun and easier to understand.