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With decades of experience in legal tech, I know the importance of choosing the right software for your practice. In NetDocuments software review, I’ll provide a thorough analysis, focusing on its features, usability, and how it aligns with the needs of legal professionals. By the end, you’ll have the information necessary to decide whether this platform fits your requirements.

netdocuments software review showing the tools' document overview
NetDocuments gives you different types of templates that you can use in your day-to-day life as a legal professional

NetDocuments Product Overview

NetDocuments is a legal content management platform that provides document management services. Targeting law firms, financial services, and real estate professionals, it offers a streamlined way to share documents, manage workflows, and secure content. The tool benefits users by enhancing collaboration and efficiency while managing documents and email content, addressing the main pain points such as complex document access and retrieval.

Its best features include user-friendly workspaces, robust search functionality, Microsoft Outlook integration, optical character recognition (OCR), and precise permission controls.


  • Search Functionality: NetDocuments allows quick and accurate searches, making it simple to find the documents you need, thereby saving time.
  • Integration with Microsoft: Integration with Microsoft Office and Outlook simplifies document creation, email management, and enhances collaboration within workspaces.
  • Permissions Control: The user-friendly permissions feature ensures that only authorized users can access specific documents, maintaining security and compliance.


  • Limited Customization: NetDocuments offers fewer options for interface customization, limiting its adaptability to specific law practice requirements.
  • Mobile Accessibility: The Android app may lack some functionality compared to the web-based platform, causing inconvenience to those who rely on mobile access.
  • Complex On-Premise Setup: Compared to some cloud-based document solutions, NetDocuments' on-premise setup may be more challenging, affecting overall ease of integration.

Expert Opinion

In evaluating NetDocuments, I find its features, functionality, support, and integrations stand out among legal content management platforms. Its integration with Microsoft Office, robust search functionality, and user-friendly permissions make it a valuable tool, although the pricing may be a consideration. When comparing NetDocuments with alternatives such as iManage, it outperforms in aspects like document retention, OCR, and email management through email. However, it may underperform in customization and on-premise deployment.

Best suited for law firms seeking to streamline document management in a secure, web-based environment, it offers an advantage in sharing, archiving, and notification functionalities.

NetDocuments: The Bottom Line

What sets NetDocuments apart from similar software is its focus on seamless integration with Microsoft products, including Outlook, and its full-text search functionality. The platform's OCR capabilities allow for smart document handling, which is particularly good for law practice environments. Features like precise permission controls, robust metadata handling, and the SaaS nature of the platform further enhance its appeal.

The combination of these aspects makes it a noteworthy tool in the legal content management space, with user reviews often highlighting its ability to effectively manage, share, and archive documents.

NetDocuments Deep Dive

Product Specifications

  1. Document Management - Yes
  2. Email Management - Yes
  3. Workflow Automation - Yes
  4. Workspaces Creation - Yes
  5. Search Functionality - Yes
  6. OCR (Optical Character Recognition) - Yes
  7. Integration with Microsoft Office - Yes
  8. Permissions Control - Yes
  9. Metadata Management - Yes
  10. User-friendly Interface - Yes
  11. SaaS Platform - Yes
  12. Content Management - Yes
  13. Legal Document Handling - Yes
  14. Financial Services Document Handling - Yes
  15. Cloud-based Document Access - Yes
  16. Web-based Platform - Yes
  17. Android and iPhone App - Yes
  18. Customer Support - Yes
  19. NDmail for Archiving - Yes
  20. API for Integration - Yes
  21. Full-text Search - Yes
  22. Authentication Measures - Yes
  23. Data Center Security - Yes
  24. On-premise Solution - Yes
  25. Check-in and Version Control - Yes
netdocuments stats screenshot showing dashboard overview
With this software, you get a lot of details about the users and the version of the tool itself

Feature Overview

  1. Document Management: NetDocuments offers a comprehensive document management system that enables users to store, organize, and retrieve documents easily.
  2. Email Management (NDmail): Integrates with Outlook for simplified email management, including archiving, leading to better organization and efficiency.
  3. OCR (Optical Character Recognition): Enables scanning and digitizing of paper documents, making them searchable within the platform.
  4. Permissions Control: Precise permission controls allow for secure sharing and access to documents, ensuring that only authorized personnel can view or modify content.
  5. Workflow Automation: Automates routine tasks, streamlining the document review and approval process.
  6. Search Functionality: Robust search capabilities enable users to quickly find the documents they need, reducing time spent searching.
  7. Integration with Microsoft Office: Seamless integration with Microsoft Office products like Word and Excel enhances productivity.
  8. Metadata Management: Efficient handling of metadata supports easier search and organization.
  9. User-friendly Interface: A thoughtful, user-friendly design ensures an accessible experience for all users.
  10. API for Integration: The available API offers extensive integration opportunities with other tools, enhancing the platform's adaptability.

Standout Functionality

  • Full-text Search: NetDocuments provides a comprehensive search functionality that includes full-text search, setting it apart from many competitors.
  • OCR Capabilities: The OCR feature in NetDocuments stands out, allowing for a more efficient way to convert and search scanned documents.
  • Workspaces Creation: The ability to create dedicated workspaces for different projects or clients helps in organizing documents more effectively, a unique aspect of NetDocuments.


NetDocuments offers native integrations with Microsoft Office, including Outlook. The platform also provides an API, allowing for customization and integration with other tools. Add-ons are available to extend capabilities like advanced search, archiving, and workflow automation.


Pricing upon request.

Ease of Use

NetDocuments presents a user-friendly interface, making it accessible to users of various skill levels. The onboarding process is well-designed, though some users may find complexities in certain areas like advanced search or customized workflow creation.

Customer Support

NetDocuments provides customer support through various channels like live chat, webinars, and documentation. However, some users might find response times to be slower during peak times.

NetDocuments Use Case

Who Would Be A Good Fit For NetDocuments?

Law firms, financial services, and real estate professionals would find NetDocuments a good fit. The platform excels in environments that need to manage, share, and archive large volumes of documents.

Who Would Be A Bad Fit For NetDocuments?

Smaller companies with limited tech support may find NetDocuments overwhelming. Those needing highly customized interfaces may also find it less appealing.

NetDocuments FAQs

What is NetDocuments?

NetDocuments is a legal content management platform offering features like document and email management, workflow automation, and robust search functionality.

Does NetDocuments integrate with Microsoft Office?

Yes, it provides seamless integration with Microsoft Office products, enhancing collaboration and productivity.

How does NetDocuments handle document security?

NetDocuments uses authentication measures and permissions control to ensure secure access to documents.

Is there an Android app for NetDocuments?

Yes, there is an Android app, though it may not have all the functionality of the web-based platform.

Alternatives to NetDocuments

  • iManage: Offers better customization options for interface design.
  • Clio: Known for its strong practice management features that may suit some law practices better. Learn more about Clio's best features in this in-depth Clio software review.
  • OpenText: Provides a broader set of integrations and may be a better fit for larger corporations.

NetDocuments Company Overview & History

NetDocuments offers document and email management solutions, primarily targeting law firms, financial services, and real estate sectors. The company is privately owned, with its headquarters located in Utah, USA. Key milestones include innovations in cloud-based document and email management, and robust integrations with Microsoft products. Their mission statement focuses on enabling professionals to work inspired by providing secure, innovative, and intelligent solutions.


NetDocuments is a comprehensive legal content management platform offering robust features like document management, OCR, workflow automation, and seamless integration with Microsoft Office. Its unique capabilities, such as full-text search and workspace creation, make it a standout in its category.

If you've used NetDocuments, or any other legal management software, your comments and shared experiences would be invaluable to others evaluating this platform.

Ben Aston
By Ben Aston

Ben Aston is an online media entrepreneur and founder of Black & White Zebra, an indie media company on a mission to help people and organizations succeed.

Since 2011, he has been evaluating, reviewing, and helping to recommend software through hundreds of articles across the company's influential digital publications, seeking to make technical workplace topics fun and easier to understand.