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Get out in front of the legal tech wave

The legal field is undergoing a major shift as we’re infusing technological solutions into everything from courtroom litigation to case analysis to filing trademarks. The era of AI is escalating the impact of legal tech in ways we only dreamed of even a decade ago—and the legal practices who innovate will reap the rewards.


Our Mission

Our mission is to bring you the most useful, impactful insights to help you transform your legal practice through technology.


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Resources to guide you as you transform your legal practice

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Reports, news, and guides with the latest in legal tech

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Guides and interviews for growing your legal practice

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Rocco Brudno

As the Director of Content—Technology at media tech company BWZ, Rocco Brudno brings 12 years of editorial experience to his role as Editor of The Legal Practice. Leading a team of editors and creators who produce award-winning technology review content, he curates the most impactful and important legal tech stories, trends, and news defining the new world of law.