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With a background rooted in legal tech, I've had the opportunity to work with various software tailored for law firms. One such tool is Actionstep, an all-in-one law firm management software that I've come to know intimately. In the following review, I'll present an unbiased and detailed look at its features, functionality, and usability.

My aim is to give you all the information you need to make an informed decision on whether Actionstep is the right software for your firm. Rest assured, this review is crafted from hands-on experience and a genuine understanding of what legal professionals require.

actionstep review - dashboard
With Actionstep software you can get an overview of your recent activity and more.

Actionstep Product Overview

Actionstep is a legal practice management software designed to help with task automation, document management, and client relations. Targeting legal professionals, it aims to streamline daily operations within law firms of all sizes. The benefits of this tool include enhancing efficiency, reducing manual errors, and improving organization within the firm. It tackles pain points such as time management, compliance, and data handling. Some of the best features include robust workflow automation, intuitive client management, and extensive customization options.


  • Workflow Automation: Actionstep offers advanced workflow automation, and this means that law firms can set rules to automatically guide various processes, saving valuable time.
  • Client Management: Strong client management is at the core of Actionstep, which ensures that firms can handle client data and interactions with ease and precision.
  • Customization: Extensive customization allows law firms to tailor Actionstep to their specific needs, making it a more targeted tool for their operations.


  • Learning Curve: The complexity of Actionstep leads to a steep learning curve, meaning new users may find it challenging to get started.
  • Integration Issues: Limited integrations with some third-party tools can hinder Actionstep's overall functionality within certain firm's existing ecosystems.
  • Interface Glitches: Occasional interface glitches have been reported, which means users may experience minor disruptions during their daily tasks.

Actionstep Expert Opinion

In my time spent evaluating Actionstep, I've been able to determine its standing among similar law firm software by judging the features, functionality, support, interface, integrations, onboarding ease, and specifications. Compared to the competition, Actionstep performs well in terms of workflow automation, customization, and client management.

However, it does underperform in areas like third-party integrations and can present a steep learning curve for some users. It is best suited for law firms that seek high levels of customization and automation but is less ideal for those that rely heavily on various third-party tools. In choosing between Actionstep and others, considerations like firm size, specific needs, and existing tools must be weighed carefully.

Actionstep: The Bottom Line

What sets this practice management system apart from similar software is its deep focus on customization and workflow automation tailored specifically for the legal sector. It offers a way to mold the tool to fit a firm's unique requirements, something not all competing software can provide.

The standout features include the ability to design specific workflows, detailed client management, and the flexibility to adapt as a firm grows and changes. Its ability to tackle common legal pain points, like time management and compliance, make it a noteworthy choice for those looking to refine their daily operations.

Actionstep Deep Dive

Product Specifications

  1. Document Automation and Management - Yes
  2. Task Automation - Yes
  3. Time Tracking - Yes
  4. Client Relationship Management (CRM) - Yes
  5. Billing and Invoicing - Yes
  6. Case Management - Yes
  7. Calendar Integration - Yes
  8. Conflict Checking - Yes
  9. Email Integration - Yes
  10. Reporting and Analytics - Yes
  11. Trust Accounting - Yes
  12. Secure Client Portal - Yes
  13. Customizable Workflows - Yes
  14. Integration with Legal Research Tools - No
  15. Remote Access Capability - Yes
  16. Mobile Application - Yes
  17. Collaboration and File Notes Tools - Yes
  18. Financial Management - Yes
  19. Marketing Tools - No
  20. Compliance Management - Yes
  21. Knowledge Management - No
  22. Template Creation - Yes
  23. Matter Management - Yes
  24. Electronic Signatures - Yes
calendar view on actionstep
You have the option to take notes from your meetings and other important aspects of your legal practice.

Features Overview

  1. Document Assembly Management: Actionstep provides a centralized platform for managing all firm documents, making it simple to store, search, and access them.
  2. Customizable Workflows: The ability to create custom workflows allows firms to design processes that fit their unique needs and improve efficiency.
  3. Client Relationship Management (CRM): Managing client information and interactions is streamlined, with everything in one place, enhancing client service.
  4. Time Tracking: The software offers precise time recording that allows for accurate billing and profitability analysis.
  5. Secure Client Portal: Actionstep law practice management software provides a secure client portal for private communication and document sharing.
  6. Billing and Invoicing: It simplifies the creation and sending of bills, reducing administrative work.
  7. Mobile Application: Using Actionstep's mobile app lawyers and staff can work from anywhere, enhancing flexibility.
  8. Compliance Management: The tool helps law firms in maintaining compliance with regulations, thereby minimizing risks.
  9. Reporting and Analytics: With in-depth reporting, this web-based software helps in evaluating performance and identifying areas for improvement.
  10. Calendar Integration: It syncs with common calendars, ensuring that appointments and deadlines are never missed.

Standout Functionality

  1. Customizable Workflows: Unlike many alternatives, Actionstep software offers deep customization in workflow design, aligning closely with a law firm's specific needs.
  2. Comprehensive Mobile Application: The mobile app provides a level of functionality that is rare among competitors, allowing for a complete work environment on the go.
  3. Integrated Compliance Management: Actionstep's emphasis on compliance management is unique, ensuring that legal requirements are always met.


This practice management solution offers integrations with software like Microsoft Office 365 and Xero Accounting. They offer an API, allowing custom integrations with other cloud-based tools. Additionally, there are add-ons that extend the platform's capabilities, such as third-party app connectors and specialized modules for different legal practices.


  • Essential Tier: $49/user/month - This tier provides basic features like document management, time tracking, and billing.
  • Pro Tier: $89/user/month (min 5 seats) - Offers advanced features such as customizable workflows, detailed reporting, and integrations.
  • Enterprise Tier: Pricing upon request - Tailored to larger firms with unique requirements, offering comprehensive features and support.

Ease of Use

Navigating Actionstep can be complex initially, due to the depth of features and customization options. Onboarding might require some time and training, particularly with unique workflow designs. Organization within the tool is logical, but certain areas may present a learning curve.

Customer Support

Actionstep offers a support team via email, live chat, and phone. Response times are generally good, but some users might find the documentation to be lacking in details. Webinars and tutorials are available, but may not cover every aspect of the software.

Actionstep Use Case

Who would be a good fit for Actionstep?

Actionstep fits well in medium to large law firms seeking extensive customization and efficiency improvements. Those who want an integrated system that combines document management, CRM, billing, and more will find it highly beneficial. It works well for teams that value tailored workflows and robust mobile capabilities.

Who would be a bad fit for Actionstep?

Smaller firms or those requiring simple, straightforward tools might find Actionstep overwhelming. Firms heavily reliant on certain third-party tools not supported by Actionstep might face integration challenges.

Actionstep FAQs

What kinds of customization are available in Actionstep?

Actionstep allows users to create customized workflows, templates, and reports, tailoring the software to fit the unique needs of the law firm.

Is there a mobile application for Actionstep?

Yes, Actionstep offers a comprehensive mobile app that allows users to access most features of the platform from a mobile device.

How does Actionstep handle client communication?

Actionstep provides a secure client portal for private communication, document sharing, and collaboration with clients.

Can Actionstep integrate with my existing email system?

Yes, Actionstep offers email integration, allowing synchronization with commonly used email platforms.

Does Actionstep offer a free trial?

Actionstep typically offers a demo rather than a free trial. Specific details might vary, and it's advisable to contact their sales team.

What kind of support does Actionstep provide?

Actionstep provides customer support through email, live chat, phone, and offers resources like webinars and tutorials.

Is there an API available for Actionstep?

Yes, Actionstep offers an API that allows for custom integrations with other software or tools.

Are there any compliance management features in Actionstep?

Yes, Actionstep provides compliance management features that help law firms maintain alignment with legal and regulatory requirements.

Alternatives to Actionstep

  1. Clio: This platform might be a better fit for smaller firms or solo practitioners, offering simplicity and ease of use without sacrificing core features. Know about the tool's highlights in this Clio review.
  2. MyCase: MyCase is another excellent option for those seeking robust client communication and collaboration tools, with a strong emphasis on client engagement. Learn more about the tool in this MyCase in-depth review.
  3. PracticePanther: If third-party integrations are a high priority, PracticePanther stands out, offering a wide range of integration options with popular tools.

Actionstep Company Overview & History

Actionstep is a technology company that provides software solutions specifically designed for law firms. It is used by law firms of various sizes around the globe. The company is privately owned and its headquarters is located in Auckland, New Zealand. While no specific notable employees are mentioned, the team is composed of experienced professionals in the field of law and software development.

The company's mission statement is to empower lawyers to help people. Actionstep was established in 2005 and since then, it has continually evolved its product offerings, focusing on an all-encompassing platform to streamline legal work. Over the years, it has significantly expanded its customer base and now serves law firms in over 20 countries.

Actionstep Summary

Through this in-depth review, we have examined the key aspects of Actionstep, a feature-rich and customizable law firm software. Its strengths lie in customizable workflows, robust mobile capabilities, and integrated compliance management. However, it might pose challenges for smaller firms or those requiring simpler solutions.

Whether it's the right fit for your firm largely depends on your needs for customization and integration. As always, I encourage you to share your experiences and perspectives on Actionstep or any other legal tech tools you've found useful in the comments below. Your insights can help others make the best software choice for their law firm. If you want to read more about other tools like this one, click here.

Ben Aston
By Ben Aston

Ben Aston is an online media entrepreneur and founder of Black & White Zebra, an indie media company on a mission to help people and organizations succeed.

Since 2011, he has been evaluating, reviewing, and helping to recommend software through hundreds of articles across the company's influential digital publications, seeking to make technical workplace topics fun and easier to understand.