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As a legal practice owner, I've found that books about starting a law firm are critical to navigating the complexities of establishing your own practice. They offer essential advice on everything from financial management to client relations, providing a solid foundation for success in the competitive legal market.

17 Best Books For Starting A Law Firm

Having delved into numerous titles, I've handpicked 17 books that precisely address your law firm startup needs.

  1. The E-Myth Attorney by Michael E. Gerber, Robert Armstrong, Sanford Fisch
  2. Attorney and Law Firm Guide to the Business of Law by Edward Poll
  3. The New What Can You Do with a Law Degree by Larry Richard and Tanya Hanson
  4. Making Partner: The Essential Guide to Negotiating the Law School Path and Beyond by Adam Gropper
  5. Going For It: A Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Successful Law Practice From the Ground Up by Matthew Driggs
  6. Solo by Choice by Carolyn Elefant
  7. The Entrepreneur's Guide to Business Law by Constance E. Bagley and Craig E. Dauchy
  8. The Business Guide to Law by Kerry Lavelle
  9. The Curmudgeon’s Guide to Practicing Law by Mark Herrmann
  10. The Lawyer's Guide to Marketing on the Internet by Gregory H. Siskind and Deborah McMurray
  11. Legal Upheaval by Michele DeStefano
  12. How to Start & Build a Law Practice by Jay Foonberg
  13. Tiger Tactics: Powerful Strategies for Winning Law Firms by Jay Ruane, Ryan McKeen, Billie Tarascio, William Umansky, and Theresa DeGray
  14. The Anxious Lawyer by Jeena Cho and Karen Gifford
  15. Avoiding Extinction: Reimagining Legal Services for the 21st Century by Mitchell Kowalski
  16. The Happy Lawyer: Making a Good Life in the Law by Nancy Levit and Douglas O. Linder
  17. The Attorney's Guide to Using (or Not Using) Legal Recruiters by Dan Binstock

Overviews of the Best Books For Starting A Law Firm

1. The E-Myth Attorney by Michael E. Gerber, Robert Armstrong, Sanford Fisch

The E-Myth Attorney: Why Most Legal Practices Don't Work and What to Do About It - book about starting a law firm

This revolutionary guide dives deep into the challenges faced by attorneys when trying to bridge the gap between their legal expertise and business acumen. It sheds light on how lawyers can approach their practice with an entrepreneurial mindset.

What You'll Learn:
The common myths that hold attorneys back. Strategies for efficient time management and delegation. The importance of client relationships and how to nurture them.

Why You Should Read It:
Gain a holistic perspective of combining legal practice with sound business strategies. This book will empower you to transform your firm from just another practice to a thriving successful business.

Quote From The Book:
"Legal prowess is essential, but it's the marriage of law and entrepreneurship that creates a formidable attorney."

About The Author:
Michael E. Gerber is a renowned author and business consultant. He has been shaping the landscape of business literature for decades. Connect with him on Twitter and LinkedIn or visit his website.

2. Attorney and Law Firm Guide to the Business of Law by Edward Poll

Attorney and Law Firm Guide to the Business of Law: Planning and Operating for Survival and Growth - book for starting a law firm

Edward Poll delves into the intricacies of the legal business, unraveling the complexities of running a law firm in today's dynamic environment. This guide provides actionable insights and strategies, ensuring lawyers can maintain a thriving practice while adapting to industry shifts.

What You'll Learn:
Strategies for developing a solid business foundation for your law firm. Effective methods for financial planning, client relationship management, and team collaboration. Practice management tools and techniques to navigate the challenges of law firm operations in the digital age.

Why You Should Read It:
Beyond the courtroom and client meetings lies the world of firm management and operations. This book addresses the often-overlooked business side of the law, offering wisdom that can set your firm on a path to sustainable growth.

Quote From The Book:
"Success in the legal world is not just about the mastery of law but the mastery of the business behind it."

About The Author:
Edward Poll brings decades of experience as both an attorney and consultant. His unique perspective ensures that lawyers receive practical advice, rooted in real-world experiences. Explore more about him by visiting his full bio on Amazon or follow him on Twitter for more updates.

3. The New What Can You Do with a Law Degree by Larry Richard and Tanya Hanson

The New What Can You Do with a Law Degree: A Lawyer's Guide to Career Satisfaction Inside, Outside & Around the Law - book about starting a law firm

"The New What Can You Do with a Law Degree" is a comprehensive guide that explores the vast career possibilities open to those with a law degree. Richard and Hanson navigate the terrain of legal careers, highlighting opportunities both inside and outside the courtroom and traditional law practices.

What You'll Learn:
A broader perspective on career paths available to law degree holders. How to assess personal strengths and align them with suitable legal or non-legal professions. Techniques for achieving career satisfaction and fulfillment beyond the traditional roles.

Why You Should Read It:
A law degree is not just a ticket to a legal practice. This book equips lawyers and law students with the insights to think outside the box, discovering paths they might never have considered.

Quote From The Book:
"A law degree is not a confinement but a key, opening doors to countless paths, each holding its promise of fulfillment."

About The Author:
Larry Richard is an expert in lawyer psychology, using data-driven approaches to counsel lawyers on career satisfaction. Tanya Hanson brings her extensive knowledge of the legal industry and its various niches, having counseled numerous lawyers on their career trajectories.

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4. Making Partner: The Essential Guide to Negotiating the Law School Path and Beyond by Adam Gropper

Making Partner: The Essential Guide to Negotiating the Law School Path and Beyond - book about starting a law firm

"Making Partner" offers a riveting deep dive into the challenging journey from law school to securing a prized partnership position in a law firm. Gropper combines his personal experiences with advice from legal luminaries to provide a roadmap that is both insightful and pragmatic.

What You'll Learn:
The intricacies of law firm politics and dynamics. Strategies for networking and building strong mentor-mentee relationships. How to differentiate oneself and showcase value to a firm. Balancing personal life with the demands of climbing the legal ladder.

Why You Should Read It:
Securing a partnership isn't just about legal acumen, it's about understanding the complex ecosystem of a law firm. Gropper's guide acts as a mentor, helping you navigate challenges and position yourself for success.

Quote From The Book:
"The path to partnership is not a sprint but a marathon, demanding resilience, adaptability, and an unwavering vision."

About The Author:
Adam Gropper has enjoyed an illustrious legal career, climbing the ranks from a young associate to a sought-after partner. His insights stem from years of firsthand experiences, challenges, and triumphs in the legal realm, to more about him visit his website and connect with him on LinkedIn.

5. Going For It: A Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Successful Law Practice From the Ground Up by Matthew Driggs

Going For It: A Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Successful Law Practice From the Ground Up - book about starting a law firm

"Going For It" is an inspiring manual that offers an unvarnished look into the practicalities of building a law practice from scratch. Matthew Driggs draws upon his experiences and challenges faced to provide readers with actionable strategies, making it an indispensable guide for ambitious attorneys.

What You'll Learn:
Initial steps to set up a law practice with a firm foundation. Techniques to attract clients and create lasting relationships. Efficiently managing the administrative side of a law business. Nurturing growth and expanding your practice sustainably.

Why You Should Read It:
Whether you're a fresh law graduate or an experienced attorney looking to venture out independently, this book offers a comprehensive roadmap. Driggs's advice, born from trials and triumphs, will illuminate the path to establishing a thriving legal practice.

Quote From The Book:
"Success in law isn't merely about knowing the law; it's about understanding people, being persistent, and building a vision brick by brick."

About The Author:
Matthew Driggs, a seasoned attorney with years of experience in the trenches, shares his wealth of knowledge and the lessons learned during his journey from a novice lawyer to the head of a successful practice. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

6. Solo by Choice by Carolyn Elefant

Solo by Choice: How to Start Your Own Law Firm, and Be the Lawyer You Always Wanted to Be - book about starting a law firm

This empowering guide is a beacon for lawyers looking to venture out on their own. It tackles the fears, challenges, and rewards of setting up a solo practice.

What You'll Learn:
Steps to transition from a firm to your own practice. Financial and operational aspects of running a solo firm. Building a brand and clientele from scratch.

Why You Should Read It:
If the allure of being your own boss resonates with you, this book will be your guiding light, ensuring you make informed and strategic choices.

Quote From The Book:
"In the legal solo journey, you're never truly alone; every challenge has a solution, every setback a lesson."

About The Author:
Carolyn Elefant has been a successful solo practitioner for over a decade, inspiring many to follow in her footsteps. For more updates connect with her on LinkedIn and on Twitter.

7. The Entrepreneur's Guide to Business Law by Constance E. Bagley and Craig E. Dauchy

The Entrepreneur's Guide to Business Law - book about starting a law firm

This book serves as a comprehensive guide for entrepreneurs who are navigating the complex terrain of business law. It provides practical insights on a range of legal issues from startup formation to intellectual property protection.

What You'll Learn:
You'll grasp the legal complexities involved in starting and running a business, including entity formation, contracts, employment law, and intellectual property rights. It equips you with the legal knowledge to make informed decisions that can prevent costly mistakes.

Why You Should Read It:
The book offers an accessible way to understand complex legal terms and conditions, making it invaluable for entrepreneurs without a legal background. It’s a one-stop resource to safeguard your business legally, thus saving time and avoiding potential litigation.

Quote From The Book:
"Avoiding a lawsuit isn’t simply a matter of crossing your fingers and hoping for the best; it's a result of informed business practices."

About The Author:
Constance E. Bagley is a renowned professor. Connect with her on her LinkedIn. Craig E. Dauchy is a seasoned attorney, making this collaboration a valuable resource.

8. The Business Guide to Law by Kerry Lavelle

The Business Guide to Law: Creating and Operating a Successful Law Firm - book about starting a law firm

In this insightful guide, Kerry Lavelle offers a roadmap to those aspiring to establish and sustain a thriving law firm. Drawing from his experience, Lavelle delves into the business side of law, highlighting the challenges and opportunities that come with running a law practice.

What You'll Learn:
Readers will gain knowledge on vital topics such as firm structures, business planning, financial management, marketing, and client relations. The book offers practical steps to navigate the complexities of building and sustaining a successful legal practice.

Why You Should Read It:
The business of law is intricate, and many attorneys find themselves unprepared for the entrepreneurial aspects of running a firm. This guide bridges the gap, ensuring that lawyers not only understand the law but also the business strategies needed to excel in a competitive market.

Quote From The Book:
"The success of a law firm isn’t just about winning cases, but also about understanding and implementing sound business practices."

About The Author:
Kerry Lavelle is a distinguished attorney with a rich background in both law and business. His unique perspective, drawn from his experiences, makes this guide an indispensable tool for every attorney aiming to launch or grow their practice successfully.

9. The Curmudgeon’s Guide to Practicing Law by Mark Herrmann

The Curmudgeon’s Guide to Practicing Law - book about starting a law firm

With a healthy dose of humor, this guide decodes the unspoken rules and intricacies of the legal profession, as seen through the eyes of a self-proclaimed 'curmudgeon'.

What You'll Learn:
Handling difficult clients and colleagues. The unwritten etiquette of courtroom behavior. Tips, tricks, and tools for efficient legal writing and research.

Why You Should Read It:
Beyond the technicalities of law, this book serves up the real-world scenarios every lawyer faces, with a side of wit and wisdom.

Quote From The Book:
"In law, as in life, sometimes you've got to learn to laugh at the absurdities."

About The Author:
Mark Herrmann, a seasoned attorney, has witnessed the spectrum of the legal world's quirks and shares them generously, with a hint of sarcasm.

10. The Lawyer's Guide to Marketing on the Internet by Gregory H. Siskind and Deborah McMurray

The Lawyer's Guide to Marketing on the Internet - book about starting a law firm

This book demystifies online marketing for legal professionals, presenting actionable strategies tailored for the legal industry.

What You'll Learn:
Proven techniques to boost your online presence. Best practices for SEO in the legal sector. How to engage potential clients through social media and content.

Why You Should Read It:
In a digital age, lawyers aren't exempt from online competition. This guide offers the keys to stand out and attract clients in the vast digital landscape.

Quote From The Book:
"Digital transformation isn't just for tech companies. The courtroom of tomorrow is online."

About The Author:
Greg Siskind specializes in business and employment immigration law and leads tech initiatives at Siskind Susser. Deborah McMurray specializes in marketing strategy for law firms.

Legal Upheaval: A Guide to Creativity, Collaboration, and Innovation in Law - book about starting a law firm

Dive deep into the modern transformations in the legal world, as this guide illuminates the path towards a more innovative legal practice.

What You'll Learn:
Techniques to foster creativity in legal problem-solving. The significance of collaboration in today's legal environment. How to integrate innovation in daily legal processes.

Why You Should Read It:
The legal world is evolving, and this book equips you with the mindset and tools to not just keep up, but to lead the change.

Quote From The Book:
"Innovation in law is not a luxury; it's a necessity in a rapidly changing world."

About The Author:
Connect with Michele DeStefano on LinkedIn or explore their website to find out more.

12. How to Start & Build a Law Practice by Jay Foonberg

How to Start & Build a Law Practice - book about starting a law firm

From ideation to execution, this handbook offers a step-by-step approach to creating a thriving legal practice from scratch.

What You'll Learn:
Essential steps to set up a new law practice. Best practices for client acquisition and retention. Risk management and growth strategies tailored for legal professionals.

Why You Should Read It:
If the dream of starting your own law firm resonates with you, this book acts as the perfect blueprint, ensuring you sidestep pitfalls and maximize success.

Quote From The Book:
"Building a law firm is not just about law; it's about envisioning a business that stands the test of time."

About The Author:
Jay Foonberg specializes in business law, litigation, legal ethics, and aviation law. A prominent figure in the ABA, he's served in various roles, including the House of Delegates and an advisory council. Visit his website for more info.

13. Tiger Tactics by Jay Ruane, Ryan McKeen, Billie Tarascio, William Umansky, and Theresa DeGray

Tiger Tactics: Powerful Strategies for Winning Law Firms - book about starting a law firm

Delve into a reservoir of dynamic strategies inspired by the world's apex predators, tailored specifically for modern law firms to thrive.

What You'll Learn:
Techniques to outmaneuver competitors and position your firm at the top. The art of predatory negotiation and its application in the legal world. Core principles of growth, dominance, and resilience in the legal sector.

Why You Should Read It:
For those wanting to transition their law firms from mere players to dominant forces in the legal arena, this book is an indispensable guide.

Quote From The Book:
"In the legal jungle, be not just a participant, but the reigning tiger."

About The Authors:
Find out more about Jay Ruane through his website, connect with Ryan McKeen on LinkedIn and Billie Tarascio on his LinkedIn, explore more about William Umansky on his Amazon full bio, and engage with Theresa DeGray on her LinkedIn.

14. The Anxious Lawyer by Jeena Cho and Karen Gifford

The Anxious Lawyer: An 8-Week Guide to a Joyful and Satisfying Law Practice Through Mindfulness and Meditation - book about starting a law firm

Jeena Cho and Karen Gifford combine their unique experiences in law and mindfulness meditation to present a holistic approach to tackling the inherent stress and anxiety of the legal profession. Over an 8-week program, they guide the reader through mindfulness and meditation practices aimed at enhancing well-being, focus, and overall satisfaction in their law practice.

What You'll Learn:
The foundational principles of mindfulness and meditation. Techniques to manage and reduce daily stress and anxiety. Ways to improve focus and clarity in the practice of law. Strategies to enhance overall well-being and personal satisfaction in the legal profession.

Why You Should Read It:
The demanding nature of the legal profession can take a toll on one's mental and emotional well-being. This book offers actionable strategies and exercises, grounded in mindfulness and meditation, to not only cope but thrive in the challenging legal environment.

Quote From The Book:
"Mindfulness gives us the ability to see our thoughts and feelings as they really are, freeing us from old ways of thinking."

About The Author:
Jeena Cho and Karen Gifford, both with extensive backgrounds in law, bring a refreshing perspective on integrating mindfulness and meditation into the legal realm. While Jeena is recognized for her initiatives on lawyer well-being, Karen has an extensive background in litigation, having spent a significant portion of her career in the financial services industry. Connect with Jeena on her LinkedIn and Karen on her LinkedIn.

15. Avoiding Extinction: Reimagining Legal Services for the 21st Century by Mitchell Kowalski

Avoiding Extinction: Reimagining Legal Services for the 21st Century - book about starting a law firm

"Avoiding Extinction" is a profound exploration of the evolving landscape of legal services. Through critical analysis, Kowalski provides insights into transforming traditional law practices to meet the demands and challenges of the modern era.

What You'll Learn:
The imminent challenges facing traditional legal service paradigms. How technological advancements are reshaping the legal sector. Business models and strategies tailored to a client-first approach. Approaches to drive innovation and modernization in legal practices.

Why You Should Read It:
The legal profession stands at a crossroads. To remain relevant and effective, there's a pressing need to reimagine and innovate. The book serves as an invaluable guide for those seeking to future-proof their legal practices and cater to the needs of 21st-century clients.

Quote From The Book:
"Innovation isn’t about preserving the profession, but about serving the public."

About The Author:
Mitchell Kowalski, renowned as a legal visionary, has dedicated his career to the transformative potential of the legal profession. His unique blend of experience as an educator, in-house counsel, and innovator gives him a comprehensive perspective on the future of legal services.

16. The Happy Lawyer by Nancy Levit and Douglas O. Linder

The Happy Lawyer: Making a Good Life in the Law - book about starting a law firm

"The Happy Lawyer" is an inspirational dive into the lives of lawyers who have found contentment and joy, providing readers with actionable steps to achieve their own balance in the demanding world of law.

What You'll Learn:
Personal stories and experiences from contented lawyers. Strategies to strike a balance between professional ambitions and personal happiness. Techniques to handle stress and maintain a positive outlook in challenging legal scenarios.

Why You Should Read It:
If you're searching for more than just success in law and yearn for genuine satisfaction, this book offers a path to a fulfilling life in and outside the courtroom.

Quote From The Book:
"True success in law is not measured by cases won, but by the joy and balance achieved in its pursuit."

About The Author:
Nancy Levit combines her years of practice as an attorney with her insightful research skills to provide a profound understanding of the legal profession's intricacies. Her passion for guiding lawyers toward a fulfilling career is evident in her writings and teachings.

Douglas O. Linder offers valuable insights derived from both personal experiences and extensive studies. He is committed to helping lawyers navigate the challenges and rewards of their profession.

The Attorney's Guide to Using (or Not Using) Legal Recruiters: Answers to important questions most attorneys don't know to ask ... but should - book about starting a law firm

Navigate the intricate world of legal recruitment with this definitive guide, offering insights on when to employ recruiters and how to discern their true value.

What You'll Learn:
The inner workings of legal recruitment agencies. Evaluating the need for a recruiter versus traditional hiring processes. Tips and tricks to get the most out of your recruitment partnerships.

Why You Should Read It:
Whether you're expanding your firm or just starting out, understanding the role and impact of recruiters can shape the trajectory of your legal career or business.

Quote From The Book:
"Understanding the recruiter's role is not just about using them, but also about knowing when to navigate the waters on your own."

About The Author:
Dan Binstock, with his expansive experience as both an attorney and a recruiter, has a unique vantage point on the legal profession's intricacies. Find him on LinkedIn.

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Here are a few other books to help you build, manage, and grow your legal practice:

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Ben Aston

Ben Aston is an online media entrepreneur and founder of Black & White Zebra, an indie media company on a mission to help people and organizations succeed.

Since 2011, he has been evaluating, reviewing, and helping to recommend software through hundreds of articles across the company's influential digital publications, seeking to make technical workplace topics fun and easier to understand.