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After careful review, these are the 12 contract management software that earned a spot on my shortlist:

  1. Contract Logix - Best for comprehensive contract lifecycle management
  2. Contract Eagle - Best for dynamic contract storage and searching
  3. Juro - Best for collaborative contract creation and negotiation
  4. Precisely - Best for efficient contract automation
  5. Ironclad - Best for streamlining complex workflows
  6. Legal Track - Best for legal case management in non-profits
  7. Icertis Contract - Best for enterprise-wide contract visibility
  8. Juridoc - Best for small businesses seeking affordability and simplicity
  9. Contract Hound - Best for contract deadline reminders and notifications
  10. Legal Templates - Best for ready-to-use contract templates
  11. Contractzy - Best for cloud-based contract management
  12. DocuSign Agreement Cloud - Best for electronic signing and approval workflows

Navigating the world of contract management can be a daunting task, particularly for in-house legal departments dealing with a constant flow of agreements. A good contract management system, like the solutions we'll be exploring here, can significantly streamline these processes.

A key feature of these tools is a drag-and-drop interface that simplifies contract works, offering intuitive control over the entire contract lifecycle. Furthermore, these systems allow you to establish permissions, granting access to relevant team members while maintaining security and control.

I encourage you to explore the options I've assembled here; they're among the best I've found in my search for efficient, effective contract management solutions.

Legal contract management software is a digital solution utilized by businesses, law firms, and professionals engaged in frequent contract handling. These sophisticated platforms enable the creation, negotiation, execution, and storage of contracts in an organized, secure, and efficient manner.

Users include lawyers, paralegals, contract managers, and business executives who leverage the software for its various features, such as contract automation, deadline tracking, and compliance control.

The primary aim is to streamline contract lifecycles, minimize errors, and optimize legal operations, ensuring that every contractual agreement abides by relevant laws and meets the business's strategic goals.

1. Contract Logix - Best for comprehensive contract lifecycle management

A photo for the contracts tab of the tool Contract Logix.
Inside the contracts tab of Contract Logix.

Contract Logix is a versatile software solution tailored to oversee every phase of your contract lifecycle. With a focus on all-inclusive contract handling, it caters to businesses needing a powerful tool for crafting, managing, and tracking contracts from inception to closeout.

Why I Picked Contract Logix:

I selected Contract Logix for its holistic approach to contract management. The software's comprehensive functionality gives users the ability to control and monitor all aspects of contract lifecycles, which makes it distinct from other platforms. This exceptional capability validates it as the best choice for comprehensive contract lifecycle management, as it covers all contract phases with precision and efficiency.

Standout features & integrations:

Key features of Contract Logix include contract creation, a centralized contract repository, alert notifications, and sophisticated analytics. The contract creation tool streamlines drafting, while the centralized repository ensures easy access and storage. With alerts, you never miss a deadline, and analytics provide insights for data-driven decision making. It integrates seamlessly with leading software like Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, and NetSuite for a unified experience.


From $59/user/month (min 5 seats)


  • Comprehensive contract lifecycle management (CLM) software
  • Intuitive user interface
  • Robust analytical capabilities


  • Minimum 5 users required
  • Limited customer support hours
  • May take time to understand all features

2. Contract Eagle - Best for dynamic contract storage and searching

A photo of the contract summary entry tab of Contract Eagle.
Here's a screenshot of Contract Eagle's contract summary entry tab for creating new contracts.

Contract Eagle positions itself as a robust tool specializing in contract storage and searching. Its platform aims to simplify the process of storing contracts while facilitating their rapid retrieval, aligning it with businesses that handle a high volume of contracts.

Why I Picked Contract Eagle:

Contract Eagle was my pick due to its enhanced focus on contract storage and searchable features. I appreciate its unique design that enables quick contract searches and categorization. Its ability to handle large volumes of contracts and provide efficient retrieval makes it the best choice for dynamic contract storage and searching.

Standout features & integrations:

Contract Eagle offers a wide range of features like intuitive contract storage, sophisticated search functionality, and contract renewal alerts. The search functionality allows users to quickly locate contracts using multiple criteria, reducing the time spent on contract management. The platform integrates well with Microsoft Office 365, enhancing document control and collaboration.


From $50/user/month (billed annually)


  • Dynamic contract storage and search functionality
  • Smooth integration with Microsoft Office 365
  • Useful alert feature for contract renewals


  • Pricing could be high for small businesses
  • Only annual billing available
  • User interface may require a learning curve

3. Juro - Best for collaborative contract creation and negotiation

A photo of a contract inside the tool Juro.
Here's a screenshot of a contract inside Juro, where you can easily create, modify and approve of contracts.

Juro is a contract management platform designed to encourage collaboration during contract creation and negotiation. Its system is built to assist businesses in streamlining the process of contract creation, negotiation, and approval, making it ideal for teams that require a high level of cooperation.

Why I Picked Juro:

I chose Juro for its commitment to fostering collaboration in contract management. Its standout ability to facilitate teamwork during contract creation and negotiation is what sets it apart from other tools. Therefore, it truly shines as the best choice for businesses seeking to boost collaboration during contract creation and negotiation.

Standout features & integrations:

Juro offers numerous features, including collaborative contract editing, track changes, and real-time negotiation. These features enable teams to work together seamlessly, negotiate terms, and keep track of amendments. The software integrates with platforms such as Salesforce, Slack, and Google Drive, enhancing team collaboration and document accessibility.


From $450/month (min 3 seats, billed annually)


  • Excellent collaborative contract creation and negotiation features
  • Robust integrations with platforms like Salesforce, Slack, and Google Drive
  • Real-time contract negotiation functionality


  • Requires minimum three users
  • Pricing might be steep for smaller businesses
  • Limited functionalities for contract lifecycle management software beyond creation and negotiation

4. Precisely - Best for efficient contract automation

A photo focusing on commands and formulas for the tool Precisely.
Here are some commands when creating contracts or agreements in Precisely.

Precisely is a contract management software that focuses on providing robust contract automation solutions. It allows businesses to streamline their contract creation, tracking, and management processes, perfectly fitting scenarios where automation can save valuable time and resources.

Why I Picked Precisely:

I picked Precisely because of its excellent contract automation capabilities. The ability of this tool to simplify and automate contract management sets it apart in this crowded field. Precisely, in my opinion, it emerges as the top choice for those seeking efficient contract automation.

Standout features & integrations:

Precisely features automated contract creation, customizable contract templates, and contract tracking tools. These features help companies automate their contract processes, reducing time spent on manual tasks and mitigating human error. It also integrates with popular CRM systems like Salesforce, enabling businesses to align their sales and contract processes.


From $50/user/month (billed annually)


  • Efficient contract automation features
  • Integration with major CRM systems like Salesforce
  • Useful contract tracking tools


  • Pricing may be prohibitive for smaller businesses
  • Limited features for contract negotiation
  • User interface could be more intuitive

5. Ironclad - Best for streamlining complex workflows

A screenshot of the repository tab for the tool Ironclad.
Take a closer look into the repository tab of Ironclad. From here, you can view your order forms and other relevant information for your contracts.

Ironclad is a contract management tool that places a strong emphasis on easing complicated workflows. This platform is designed to handle intricate contract management tasks, making it ideal for firms that deal with complex workflow patterns that need to be simplified and streamlined.

Why I Picked Ironclad:

I chose Ironclad for its ability to handle intricate contract management workflows. In a pool of many contract management solutions, Ironclad stands out for its focus on managing complexity, making it my preferred choice for companies seeking to simplify complex workflow structures.

Standout features & integrations:

Ironclad provides robust features like smart forms, contract authoring, negotiation, approval workflows, and reporting. These facilitate easy management of complex contract workflows. Crucially, Ironclad also integrates with leading business tools such as Salesforce, DocuSign, Dropbox, and Google Drive, providing seamless contract data transfer and simplification of workflow across platforms.


Pricing upon request


  • Excellent for managing complex contract workflows
  • Robust features such as smart forms and contract authoring
  • Integrates well with leading business tools like Salesforce and Google Drive


  • Pricing details are not transparent
  • May be more than needed for businesses with simpler workflows
  • The interface could be more user-friendly
A photo for the additional details tab of Legal Track.
Here's one feature of Legal Track where additional details important to your matters can be added.

Legal Track is a contract management platform specifically designed to support non-profit organizations in legal case management. Its focus on the unique needs of non-profits, such as volunteer coordination and grant management, makes it a fitting choice for these organizations in streamlining their contract management processes.

Why I Picked Legal Track:

I picked Legal Track due to its specialization in serving non-profit organizations. The tool differentiates itself with a focus on the unique needs of non-profits, such as grant tracking and volunteer management. This makes it especially suitable for non-profits seeking a solution tailored to their legal case management needs.

Standout features & integrations:

Legal Track offers powerful features like case management, time tracking, grant management, and volunteer coordination, all essential for non-profit organizations. It also integrates with Microsoft 365, enabling users to seamlessly sync data with Microsoft's suite of tools, which is often the default productivity suite for many organizations.


Pricing upon request


  • Designed with non-profit needs in mind
  • Offers useful features like grant management and volunteer coordination
  • Integrates with Microsoft 365


  • Lack of transparent pricing details
  • May not be suitable for profit-driven businesses
  • The user interface could be more intuitive

7. Icertis Contract - Best for enterprise-wide contract visibility

A photo for the contract creation done inside Icertis Contract.
Here's a screenshot of the contract creation process inside Icertis Contract.

Icertis Contract is a cloud-based contract lifecycle management platform that provides an enterprise-wide overview of contracts. Its comprehensive visibility and control over all contractual documents make it an excellent tool for businesses that need extensive oversight of their contracts.

Why I Picked Icertis Contract:

In selecting Icertis Contract, I was drawn to its ability to offer a broad view of all contract activities across an enterprise. What distinguishes it is the centralized control it offers, which is crucial for organizations managing large volumes of contracts. This expansive visibility aligns with my belief that it is best for enterprise-wide contract management.

Standout features & integrations:

Icertis Contract includes features like contract discovery, risk management, and compliance tracking, which are all critical for enterprises. The tool also provides integrations with several ERP systems, CRM platforms like Salesforce, and productivity tools like Microsoft Office 365, enabling seamless data exchange.


Pricing upon request


  • Provides comprehensive visibility of contracts
  • Strong integrations with popular business platforms
  • Robust features such as risk management and compliance tracking


  • No transparent pricing information available
  • The user interface can be complex for new users
  • Smaller businesses might find it too comprehensive for their needs

8. Juridoc - Best for small businesses seeking affordability and simplicity

A screenshot of the dashboard for the tool Juridoc.
This is how the dashboard of Juridoc is designed for ease of use.

Juridoc is a comprehensive contract management platform designed to help small businesses manage, negotiate, and analyze their contracts. Its balance of simplicity and functionality makes it a suitable choice for smaller organizations requiring an affordable yet capable solution.

Why I Picked Juridoc:

I picked Juridoc for this list because it provides an optimal mix of affordability and simplicity without compromising on core functionalities. Its unique appeal lies in its user-friendly interface and streamlined workflows, which are key factors for smaller businesses. These characteristics make it a top pick for small businesses seeking an affordable and straightforward contract management solution.

Standout features & integrations:

Juridoc offers key features such as contract creation, negotiation, approval, and storage. Its alert system for key contract dates helps businesses avoid missing any crucial deadlines. The platform integrates with popular tools like Google Drive, Dropbox, and Office365, facilitating easy file sharing and collaboration.


Juridoc's pricing starts from $15/user/month, making it an affordable choice for small businesses.


  • Affordable for small businesses
  • User experience friendly interface
  • Useful integrations with popular collaboration tools


  • Might lack some advanced features needed by larger organizations
  • Limited customization options
  • Customer support may be less responsive than larger competitors

9. Contract Hound - Best for contract deadline reminders and notifications

A photo for the dashboard of Contract Hound.
The dashboard of Contract Hound. From here, notifications and reminders for your contracts are easily accessible.

Contract Hound is a contract management tool with a strong focus on reminders and notifications related to contractual obligations and deadlines. It's known for its alert system, which ensures that businesses never miss an important contract milestone, making it ideal for those needing rigorous deadline tracking.

Why I Picked Contract Hound:

I selected Contract Hound due to its robust notification system, which sets it apart from many competitors. It was my judgment that for organizations where staying on top of contract deadlines is a priority, this tool provides substantial value. Hence, it stands out as the best tool for those seeking excellent contract deadline reminders and notifications.

Standout features & integrations:

Contract Hound features an advanced alert system, which can be customized to provide reminders at various stages of a contract's lifecycle. Furthermore, it offers secure contract storage and robust search functionality for easy access to contracts. Key integrations include Google Drive and Dropbox, which simplifies the process of contract uploading and sharing.


Pricing for Contract Hound starts from $95/user/month, making it a more premium choice in the market.


  • Powerful reminder and notification system
  • Secure contract storage
  • Useful integrations with cloud storage services


  • Higher pricing compared to other options
  • May lack advanced features found in comprehensive contract management tools
  • Interface might not be as user-friendly as some alternatives
A photo focusing on progress of contracts inside Legal Templates.
Inside Legal Templates, checking the status or progress of contracts is very easy to view.

Legal Templates provides a wide array of contract templates that businesses can readily use. By offering a broad selection of legally vetted, ready-to-use contract templates, it allows businesses, particularly those without dedicated legal teams, to quickly draft reliable legal documents, making it a great choice for businesses seeking convenience and time-saving solutions.

Why I Picked Legal Templates:

In choosing tools for this list, I considered the importance of ready-to-use contract templates for businesses, especially for smaller ones with limited legal resources. Legal Templates stood out in this respect with its extensive library of well-structured contract templates. This made it an obvious choice for businesses that are in search of ready-to-use contract templates.

Standout features & integrations:

Legal Templates is known for its broad array of contract templates covering various business scenarios, which are easy to understand and use. These templates are compliant with legal standards, providing peace of mind to businesses using them. Currently, Legal Templates does not integrate with other services, but its offering is stand-alone and self-sufficient.


The pricing for Legal Templates starts from $59.95/user/month, but they also offer a significant number of free templates.


  • Wide array of ready-to-use contract templates
  • Compliant with legal standards
  • Useful for businesses without dedicated legal resources


  • Lack of integrations with other platforms
  • Pricing can be high for smaller businesses
  • Some legal areas may not be covered by their template range

11. Contractzy - Best for cloud-based contract management

A screenshot of the dashboard for the tool Contractzy.
Welcome to the dashboard of Contractzy. Statuses and necessary information for contracts on your Contractzy profile is displayed here.

Contractzy is a digital contract management tool that uses cloud-based technology to streamline and automate the entire contract management process. By providing remote accessibility, real-time updates, and secure storage, Contractzy suits businesses that prioritize cloud-based contract management.

Why I Picked Contractzy:

In determining which tools to include on this list, the prominence of cloud-based solutions became evident. I selected Contractzy for its strong capabilities in this field. Its powerful cloud-based features, paired with user-friendly interface, make it stand out from other tools. This is why I believe Contractzy is the best choice for businesses seeking a cloud-based contract management tool.

Standout features & integrations:

Contractzy's most significant features include a comprehensive dashboard for contract oversight, real-time updates and notifications, secure document storage, and user-friendly search functions. It seamlessly integrates with major cloud platforms like Google Drive and Dropbox, ensuring easy document access and collaboration.


Contractzy's pricing begins from $15/user/month, providing a cost-effective solution for businesses wanting cloud-based contract management.


  • Strong cloud-based contract management features
  • Easy integration with major cloud platforms
  • Comprehensive and user-friendly dashboard


  • Limited offline functionality
  • Advanced features require higher pricing tiers
  • No free plan available

12. DocuSign Agreement Cloud - Best for electronic signing and approval workflows

A desktop view of DocuSign Agreement Cloud's interface.
Here's a screenshot for the desktop view of DocuSign Agreement Cloud's interface.

DocuSign Agreement Cloud is a comprehensive solution that focuses on automating and connecting the entire agreement process. With its powerful e-signature and approval workflow functionalities, it is particularly beneficial for businesses that rely heavily on electronic signatures and approvals.

Why I Picked DocuSign Agreement Cloud:

In the process of selecting the most effective contract management tools, I decided on DocuSign Agreement Cloud due to its robust e-signing features and efficient approval workflows. The tool's focus on electronic agreements and its advanced workflow capabilities set it apart from others. This is why I affirm that DocuSign Agreement Cloud is the best tool for businesses in need of streamlined electronic signing and approval workflows.

Standout features & integrations:

DocuSign Agreement Cloud offers powerful features such as advanced e-signature capabilities, a unified platform for managing agreements, and intelligent insights to enhance compliance and reduce risks. The tool integrates seamlessly with popular platforms such as Salesforce, Microsoft, and Google, thereby facilitating collaboration and document handling.


The pricing for DocuSign Agreement Cloud starts from $30/user/month. It's important to note that this pricing is the starting cost for the business tier that includes contract lifecycle management.


  • Advanced electronic signing capabilities
  • Streamlined approval workflows
  • Robust integrations with popular platforms


  • Higher starting price compared to other tools
  • Some advanced features require higher-tier plans
  • Could be overwhelming for smaller businesses

Below is a list of additional legal contract management software that I shortlisted but did not make it to the top 12. Definitely worth checking them out.

  1. Bigle Legal - Good for automated document creation
  2. Legalesign - Good for efficient electronic signature processing
  3. Evisort - Good for artificial intelligence or AI powered contract analytics
  4. ContractPodAi - Good for end-to-end contract automation
  5. Concord - Good for comprehensive CLM solutions
  6. Agiloft Contract Management Suite - Good for customizable contract workflows
  7. Coupa Contract Lifecycle Management - Good for integrating contract management with broader business spend

Selection Criteria

In the journey to find the best contract management software, I've personally explored and researched over 20 different tools. It's crucial to find a solution that not only offers the right features but also aligns with your company's workflows and processes. Here are the criteria that I prioritized during my evaluation.

Core Functionality

  • Contract creation: The software should allow for the efficient drafting of contracts.
  • Review and editing: It should enable multiple team members to review, suggest changes, and edit contracts.
  • Approval workflow: The tool should manage the approval process, ensuring contracts are reviewed by all necessary parties.
  • Contract execution: The platform needs to support secure and legally binding electronic signatures.
  • Contract storage: It should provide a secure location to store contracts, with access controls.

Key Features

  • Search capability: Enables users to quickly find specific contracts or specific information within contracts.
  • Reminders and notifications: Alerts users about important dates like contract renewals or end dates.
  • Version control: Keeps track of all changes made to a contract, preserving an audit trail.
  • Custom templates: Allows for the creation of company-specific contract templates, saving time on repeated information.
  • Contract analytics: Offers insights into contract data, helping identify trends or areas for improvement.


  • Intuitive user interface: For contract management software, an intuitive interface would be one that clearly displays contract details, has an organized system for storing and categorizing contracts, and presents options for approval workflows in a straightforward manner.
  • Easy onboarding: The platform should offer useful onboarding resources such as video tutorials, articles, or even one-on-one training to help users get started.
  • Quality customer support: Look for software providers with a reputation for quick and helpful responses to queries or issues.
  • Role-based access: The system should allow admins to control who can access and edit different contracts, which is crucial for maintaining data integrity and security.

People Also Ask (FAQs)

Using legal contract management software provides numerous benefits, including:

  • Streamlined contract workflows: These tools help automate contract creation, review, approval, and execution processes, saving time and improving productivity.
  • Better organization: A centralized repository for all contracts makes it easier to manage and find documents when needed.
  • Improved compliance: Automated reminders and approval workflows can help ensure contracts are properly reviewed and meet all necessary regulations.
  • Reduced risk: Version control, audit trails, and secure electronic signatures help to minimize the risk of errors or contract disputes.
  • Enhanced decision-making: Many contract management solutions offer analytics and reporting features that provide insights into contract performance, helping to inform business decisions.

The cost of contract management software can vary greatly depending on the specific features, the size of your organization, and the number of users. Some tools offer tiered pricing models, starting from as low as $20 per user per month and going up to several hundred dollars per user per month for more complex enterprise solutions.

What are the typical pricing models for these tools?

Contract management tools often have a per-user per-month pricing model, but they may also offer annual subscriptions at a discounted rate. Many vendors provide tiered pricing plans, each offering a different set of features. Some tools also include a "per contract" pricing model, where you pay based on the number of contracts managed in the system.

On the more affordable end, you have tools like Contractbook, which start from $25 per user per month. On the other hand, more robust solutions like Agiloft or Icertis can be significantly more expensive, going up to several hundred dollars per user per month.

Are there any free contract management software options?

Yes, there are a few contract management tools that offer free versions or free trials. However, these usually come with limited features and may be best suited for very small businesses or for trying out the software before committing to a paid plan. Examples include Zoho Contracts and PandaDoc, both of which offer free plans with limited functionality.


To sum up this guide on choosing the best legal contract management software, it's essential to remember three critical points:

  1. Understand Your Needs: Each tool mentioned offers unique advantages, so understanding your specific requirements is fundamental. You might need a tool that excels in electronic signing, contract deadline reminders or offers ready-to-use contract templates.
  2. Focus on Key Features and Usability: Beyond the basic functionality, pay attention to the key features that could greatly enhance your contract management process. Ease of use, user interface, and quality of customer support matter significantly in everyday operations.
  3. Pricing Considerations: Cost plays a significant role in decision-making. Understand the pricing model of each tool and find one that offers the features you need at a price that fits your budget. Free trials can be beneficial for testing out the software before committing.

Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all solution. The best legal contract management software is the one that best fits your unique use case and operational needs.

What Do You Think?

I've put together what I believe to be a comprehensive list of the top legal contract management software available. However, the landscape of these tools is vast and ever-changing, and I might have missed a few gems. If there's a tool you've used and found to be particularly helpful for your legal contract management needs, I'd love to hear about it.

Please feel free to share your suggestions and experiences in the comments below. Your input could be invaluable in helping us and our readers make more informed decisions.

Ben Aston
By Ben Aston

Ben Aston is an online media entrepreneur and founder of Black & White Zebra, an indie media company on a mission to help people and organizations succeed.

Since 2011, he has been evaluating, reviewing, and helping to recommend software through hundreds of articles across the company's influential digital publications, seeking to make technical workplace topics fun and easier to understand.